Roman Army Costumes

Roman Army Costumes

On this page you’ll find twelve color images of Roman Army Costumes. These striking illustrations are from the book Le Costume Historique by by Auguste Racinet, published in 1888. There are drawings of various types of clothing worn by soldiers and gladiators, as well as weaponry, insignias, and symbols. Click on a thumbnail image to find a detailed description of each item. If you find this information useful, be sure to stop by the galleries with more on Ancient Rome Warriors and Roman Army Soldiers. Enjoy!



More on Roman Army Costumes

Roman Military Clothing (2): AD 200–400 (Men-at-Arms)

The Military Institutions of the Romans

Roman Military Clothing (1): 100 BC–AD 200 (Men-at-Arms)

Armies of the Late Roman Empire AD 284 to 476: History, Organization and Equipment (Armies of the Past)


More Images of Roman Army Costumes

