Edwardian Fashion Era

Edwardian Fashion Era

The Edwardian Fashion Era which lasted from 1901 to 1910, was characterized by its elegance, sophistication, and attention to detail. It was a time of great creativity and experimentation, and it reflected the changing social and cultural landscape of the era. Women were beginning to assert their independence and individuality, and they were expressing themselves through their clothing in new and exciting ways. On this page you’ll find examples of blouse-waists, dresses for the mature woman, suits, dressing sacks, and much more. The designs come from an assortment of women’s fashion magazines from 1909. If you find these examples of outfits from the Edwardian Fashion Era to your liking, you should visit the galleries with more Edwardian Fashions and 1900’s Fashion. Enjoy!

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More on the Edwardian Fashion Era

Victorian and Edwardian Fashions for Women 1840 to 1919 (A Schiffer Book for Collectors With Value Guide) Color, Cut, Dress Up 1900s Paper Dolls Coloring Book, Dollys and Friends Originals: Vintage Fashion History Paper Doll Collection, Adult Coloring Pages with Edwardian and La Belle Epoque Costumes
Color, Cut, Dress Up 1910s Paper Dolls Coloring Book, Dollys and Friends Originals: Vintage Fashion History Paper Doll Collection, Adult Coloring ... Edwardian, Orientalist and Art Nouveau Styles Victorian & Edwardian Fashions for Women, 1840-1919: With Price Guide (Schiffer Book for Collectors)


More Images from the Edwardian Fashion Era

