Victorian Dresses

Victorian Dresses

This colorful array of various Victorian Dresses is from the 1868 annual of Peterson’s Magazine. Peterson’s was similar to Godey’s Lady Book and contained beautiful engravings and hand-tinted fashion plates. A few of the plates have been slightly altered from the originals because when the individual issues were bound together to make the annual edition, the center dress illustration was often lost in the gutter of the book. Since the plates were individually colored by hand, there is often variation in colors between the same editions. Women used to sit around and compare and discuss the differences between their individual copies. If you find these designs of Victorian Dresses to your liking, be sure to visit the galleries with more Victorian Dress and some Victorian Hair Styles. Enjoy!



More on Victorian Dresses

Victorian Fashions and Costumes from Harper's Bazar, 1867-1898 (Dover Fashion and Costumes) Victorian Fashions for Women
Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey (Dover Fashion and Costumes) Victorian Fashions Coloring Book (Dover Fashion Coloring Book)


More Images of Victorian Dresses

