

Below you will encounter eighteen black and white images depicting different aspects of Druidism. According to the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Druidism is the name usually given to the religious system of the ancient inhabitants of Gaul and the British Islands. The word “druid” means “…very knowing, wise.” They were said to have had a firm belief in the immortality of the soul. You’ll find illustrations of Druidesses dancing around an idol, Druid Chiefs, and Druidical structures and relics. If you are interested in seeing more relating to the Druids, be sure to check out the pages with more images of Druids and Stonehenge. Enjoy!

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More on Druidism

Druids: A Very Short Introduction The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts
Celtic Magic: Unlocking Druidry, Earth Magick, Irish Shamanism, Tree Magic, and Scottish Paganism (Celtic Spirituality) A Brief History of the Druids (Brief Histories)


More Images of Druidism

