

On this page are eight black and white illustrations of Druids and their monuments. According to the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Caesar described the Druids as all men of any rank and dignity in Gaul, and that they constituted the learned and priestly class. These drawings show Druids gathered together, as well as views of their famous structure at Stonehenge. If you find these pictures of Druids intriguing, you should check out the galleries with more images of Stonehenge and Druidism. Enjoy!

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More on the Druids

A Complete History of the Druids: Their Origin, Manners, Customs, Powers, Temples, Rites and Superstitions Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth (Weiser Classics Series)
The Druids: Celtic Priests of Nature The Druids


More Images of Druids

