Celtic Myth

Celtic Myth

In this gallery are twelve sepia-toned drawings from Celtic Myth. They come from the books Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, written by T. W. Rolleston. The pictures were primarily drawn by Stephen Reid. You’ll find illustrations from the Ossianic Cycle featuring Dermat (Dermot), Grania, and others. You can find out more details by clicking on an individual image. If you like these pictures from Celtic Myths, be sure to visit the pages for Celt Legends and the Druids. Enjoy!

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More on the Celtic Myth

The Book of Celtic Myths: From the Mystic Might of the Celtic Warriors to the Magic of the Fey Folk, the Storied History and Folklore of Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales Celtic Myths: the illustrated book (Meet Myths: illustrated books)
Celtic Mythology for Kids: Tales of Selkies, Giants, and the Sea Celtic Myth and Religion: A Study of Traditional Belief, with Newly Translated Prayers, Poems and Songs


More Images from Celtic Myths

