Celt Legends

Celt Legends

Below you will see fifteen sepia-toned pictures from Celt Legends. They come from the books Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, written by T. W. Rolleston. The illustrations were done by Stephen Reid and J. C. Leyendecker. You’ll find images mainly from the Ultonian (or Ulster) Cycle featuring the warrior hero Cuchulain. You can find out more details about each drawing by clicking on an individual image. If you like these drawings from legends of the Celts, be sure to visit the galleries on Celtic Mythology and more Celtic Legends. Enjoy!

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More on Celt Legends

Celtic Myths & Tales: Epic Tales (Gothic Fantasy) Celtic Legends of the Beyond: A Celtic Book of the Dead
Celtic Myth and Legend The Celtic Dragon Myth Celtic Myths and Legends


More Images from Celt Legends

