Celtic Knot Designs

Celtic Knot Designs

On this page you’ll discover twelve lovely examples of Celtic Knot Designs in sepia tones. They are from the book The Grammar of Ornament, written in 1910 by Owen Jones. The illustrations show borders of interlaced ribbon patterns copied from Anglo-Saxon and Irish manuscripts found in the British Museum, the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the libraries of St. Gall and Trinity College in Dublin. If you are like these Celtic Knot designs and want to see some more, you should visit the galleries with more Celtic Knotwork and Celtic Knot Patterns. Enjoy!

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More on Celtic Knot Designs

Celtic Patterns Coloring Book: Celtic Symbols, Knotwork, Crosses, Patterns, Mandalas and other Celtic Designs for Stress Relief Celtic and Old Norse Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Great Book of Celtic Patterns, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded: The Ultimate Design Sourcebook for Artists and Crafters (Fox Chapel Publishing) 200 Original Patterns with Celtic Braids & Knots Creating Celtic Knotwork: A Fresh Approach to Traditional Design (Dover Art Instruction)


More Images of Celtic Knot Designs

