Celtic Knot Patterns

Celtic Knot Patterns

In this gallery is a collection of fourteen images of Celtic Knot Patterns in black and white. They come from the book Drawing Design and Craftwork by F.J. Glass, which was published in 1920. They are examples of the knots and interlaced borders which are based on the principle of “Repetition” found in Celtic manuscripts. If you like these illustrations of Celtic Knot Patterns, be sure to visit the pages with more Celtic Knot Designs and other Celtic Knots. Have fun!

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More on Celtic Knot Patterns

Ready-to-Use Celtic Designs: 96 Different Royalty-Free Designs Printed One Side (Dover Clip Art Ready-to-Use) Great Book of Celtic Patterns, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded: The Ultimate Design Sourcebook for Artists and Crafters (Fox Chapel Publishing) 200 Original Patterns with Celtic Braids & Knots
Creative Haven Celtic Designs Coloring Book (Adult Coloring Books: World & Travel) The Treasury of Celtic Knots


More Images of Celtic Knot Patterns

