Pictures Of Pirates

Pictures of Pirates

This gallery displays twenty-eight black and white Pictures of Pirates. They come from an edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Treasure Island illustrated by Louis Rhead in 1915. You’ll find lots of pictures of Jim Hawkins in all kinds of dire situations, as well as Long John Silver and his parrot, Cap’n Flint. If you are enjoying these Picture of Pirates, be sure to have a look at the pages with Pirate Art and Pirate Clipart. Enjoy!



More about Pirates

Caribbean History: A Captivating Guide to the History of the West Indies and the Golden Age of Piracy Crimson Waters: True Tales of Adventure. Looting, Kidnapping, Torture, and Piracy on the High Seas
Pirates: The True and Surprising Story of the Pirates of the Caribbean The Pirates of Panama, From Sir Francis Drake to Admiral Edward Vernon


More Pictures of Pirates

