Pirate Art

Pirate Art

Below you will make out twelve color and black and white pieces of Pirate Art. Included are drawings of the infamous Captain Kidd, a pirate walking the plank, and pirates digging up treasure. They come from Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates compiled by Merle Johnson in 1821. If you find these example of Pirate Art by Mr. Pyle intriguing, you should check out the galleries with more Clip Art of Pirates and Pirate Pictures. Enjoy!

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More Pirate Art

Pirates CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art) The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow The Tale of Billy Turner and Other Stories (Jack Sparrow Chapter Book) Pirates, Patriots, and Princesses: The Art of Howard Pyle (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)


More Images of Pirates

