Anatomy Of The Eyelid

Anatomy of the Eyelid

On this page are ten diagrams depicting the Anatomy of the Eyelid. Included are details of the vertical section of the upper eyelid and the anterior aspect of the orbital septum of the right eye. They are from the book Atlas and Text-Book of Human Anatomy, written by Dr. Johannes Sobotta in 1911. You can read more information by clicking on an individual image. If you find these images of Eyelid Anatomy useful, you should check out the galleries with more Drawings of the Eye and Anatomy of the Eyeball. Enjoy!



More on the Anatomy of the Eyelid

Anatomy of the Eyelid, Orbit, and Lacrimal System: A Dissection Manual The Eye Book: A Complete Guide to Eye Disorders and Health (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)
Comprehensive Ophthalmology 6th Edi. / Review of Ophthalmology 6th Ed. Anatomy of the Human Eye: A Coloring Atlas

