Masonic Jewelry
On this page you’ll see a selection of Masonic Jewelry. They come from books of samples from the American Type Founders Company published in 1906. One of things you might notice in these examples of Masonic Jewelry, are the different types of crosses used in the designs. There is the Passion Cross on which Jesus suffered the crucifixion. There is the Maltese cross with eight points, worn by the Knights of Malta. The eight points are said to symbolize the eight beatitudes. There is the Teutonic cross, worn by the Teutonic Knights. And also the Templar Cross, also referred to as a cross pattee and is supposed to have been derived from the Maltese cross.If you are interested in more images relating to Freemasonry, please take a look at the galleries on the Freemasons and the Masonic Temples. Enjoy!
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