Images Of Jesus Christ

Images of Jesus Christ

Inside this gallery, you will discover twenty-one color and grayscale Images of Jesus Christ. These illustrations are from the New Testament, and depict events from the young life of Jesus to his days as a healer and miracle worker. This artwork was done by J. James Tissot in the early 1900’s. If you enjoy these Images of Jesus Christ, be sure to visit the pages with more art by this same artist: Jesus Christ Pictures, Characters from the Bible, and Bible Characters. Have fun!

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More Images of Jesus Christ

Doré's Life of Jesus CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art)

Treasury of Bible Illustrations: Old and New Testaments (Dover Pictorial Archive)

Great Scenes from the Old Testament: A Pictorial Archive of 160 Illustrations (Dover Pictorial Archive)

Bible Illustrations (Book & CD-ROM)


Even More Images of Jesus Christ

