Greek Empire

Greek Empire

On this page are ten sepia-toned images depicting scenes from the story and history of the ancient Greek Empire. They come from the book The Story of the Greatest Nations by Edward Ellis and Charles Horne. It was published in 1906. There are illustrations of Penelope, Ulysses, and Achilles from Greek legend. There is also a drawing of Greek girls playing ball and a woman and baby at the shrine of Athena. If you are interested in more images related to ancient Greece, you’ll definitely want to consider looking at the galleries with Greek Mythology Characters and pictures of Athens Greece. Enjoy!

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More about the Greek Empire

National Geographic The Greeks: An Illustrated History

Ancient Greece: An Illustrated History: The Illustrated Encyclopedia; A Comprehensive History With 1000 Images

Age of Conquests: The Greek World from Alexander to Hadrian (History of the Ancient World)

Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Western Civilization


More Images of the Greek Empire

