Floral Patterns

Floral Patterns

Here we have a selection of stunning Floral Patterns in black and white. They are from my collection of antique design books and feature flower motifs, with intricate swirls and flourishes. If you like these floral patterns, you may want to take a peek at our galleries with Floral Designs or Flower Page Borders. Enjoy!

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More Floral Patterns

Treasury of Flower Designs for Artists, Embroiderers and Craftsmen (Dover Pictorial Archive)

Floral Stencil Designs CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art)

Great Book of Floral Patterns, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded: The Ultimate Design Sourcebook for Artists and Crafters (Fox Chapel Publishing) Over 100 Expertly Drawn Designs from Lora S. Irish

Artistic Plants and Flowers (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)


More Images of Floral Patterns

