Celtic Lettering

Celtic Lettering

Below you will find a stunning collection of Celtic Lettering. The images come from several old books including The Grammar of Ornament by Owen Jones, which was written in 1910. These illuminated letters were originally found in psalters and gospel books located in various libraries in Europe. Click on the drawings and you’ll find more information for each piece, if it was available. If you like this Celtic Lettering, please take a look at the galleries with other Celtic Designs and Celtic Patterns. Enjoy!

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More on Celtic Lettering

Creative Haven Celtic Alphabet Designs Coloring Book (Adult Coloring Books: World & Travel) Celtic Hand Stroke by Stroke: Irish Half-Uncial from The Book of Kells
Celtic and Medieval Alphabets: 53 Complete Fonts (Lettering, Calligraphy, Typography) How to Create Celtic Illuminations


More Images of Celtic Lettering

