Aztec Drawings

Aztec Drawings

On this page are seventeen incredible Aztec Drawings based on the Codex Borgia, a pre-Columbian Middle American pictorial manuscript from Central Mexico with calendrical and ritual content, dating from the 16th century. These images are take from the book Mexiko by Theodore Danzel, published in 1923. In the book, which is written in German, the series is described as the “Hollenfahrtmythos.” Translations of this German word include “Hell Trip Myths,” “Journey to Hell,” “Hell’s Journey Myth,” and “Infernal Journey Myth.” The illustrations depict various Aztec gods, temples, rituals, and scenes from the Underworld. If you click on an individual image, you’ll find more details about each one of these designs. Each description was translated from German. If you like these Aztec Drawings, be sure to visit the galleries with Aztec Art and images from the Aztec Religion. Enjoy!

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More on Aztec Drawings

Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture)

The Codex Borgia: A Full-Color Restoration of the Ancient Mexican Manuscript (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)

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The Art & Architecture of the Aztec & Maya: An illustrated encyclopedia of the buildings, sculptures and art of the peoples of Mesoamerica, with over ... of ancient Mexico and central America


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