Saint Joan Of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc

On this page are ten illustrations of Saint Joan of Arc in black and white, which were done by F. V. DuMond around 1903. You’ll find images of Joan before the governor, helping a wounded soldier, and standing at her trial. Before her military exploits, Joan worked as a shepherdess in her hometown of Domrémy. She was known for her piety and her ability to hear voices. Joan wore men’s clothing and armor, which was unusual for a woman of her time. This was a symbol of her defiance of traditional gender roles and her commitment to her cause. If you’re enjoying these images of Saint Joan of Arc, be sure to have a look at the galleries with more on Joan of Arc and St. Joan of Arc. Have fun!

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More on Saint Joan of Arc

Born to Do This: 30 Days with Joan of Arc (Great Spiritual Teachers)

Joan of Arc

Joan: A Novel of Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc: A Life from Beginning to End (Biographies of Christians)


More Images of Saint Joan of Arc

