Mummies Of Ancient Egypt

Mummies of Ancient Egypt

In this gallery you’ll find eight sepia-toned images of Mummies of Ancient Egypt from several different books. Not only are there illustrations of the shrouded dead, but also, interior and exterior coffins, and cases. If you find these pictures of Mummies of Ancient Egypt useful, you may want to consider visiting the pages with more Mummies of Egypt and Mummies. Enjoy!

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More on Mummies of Ancient Egypt

A Child's Introduction to Egyptology: The Mummies, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Gods, and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (A Child's Introduction Series)

Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs: A Book About Ancient Egypt

The Mummies of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Egyptians’ Mummification Process

Mummies, magic and medicine in ancient Egypt: Multidisciplinary essays for Rosalie David


More Images of Mummies of Ancient Egypt

