Roman Soldier Equipment

Roman Soldier Equipment

In this gallery you’ll discover a collection of eighteen images depicting Roman Soldier Equipment. They come from the book The Roman Soldier by Amedee Forestier, which was published in 1928. There are images of military helmets, weapons, and more. It was published in 1875. A Roman soldier’s equipment prioritized defense and offense. They sported a helmet, metal armor, and a large rectangular shield for protection. Their primary weapons were a stabbing sword (gladius) and a javelin (pilum) for close combat and harassing enemy formations. Click on a thumbnail description to find out more about each item. After you’re finished here, you’ll definitely want to check out the pages with more about the Soldiers of Rome and Ancient Rome Warriors. Enjoy!

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More on Roman Soldier Equipment

Roman Soldier Operations Manual: Daily Life * Fighting Tactics * Weapons * Equipment * Kit

Arms And Armour of the Imperial Roman Soldier: From Marius to Commodus by Graham Sumner (2009-09-25)

Roman Military Equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome, second edition

Roman Shields (Elite)


More Images of Roman Soldier Equipment

