Greek Mythology Heroes

Greek Mythology Heroes

In the poems of Homer, Greek Mythology Heroes are described as warriors who distinguished themselves with their extraordinary strength, courage, and morality. However, poets that came after Homer, ranked these heroes as “demi-gods.” Temples were built and sacrifices offered to them. Below are images of just six of the many Greek Mythology Heroes found in ancient Greek Literature. There are illustrations of Heracles, Perseus, Ganymedes, and Theseus. If you want to see more, please stop by the galleries with images of Ancient Greek Heroes and Greek God Images too. Enjoy!


More Greek Mythology Heroes

Tales of the Greek Heroes (Puffin Classics)

Greek Gods and Heroes

Mythology The Gods, Heroes, and Monsters of Ancient Greece (Ologies)

Reaching Olympus: The Greek Myths, Heroes, Beasts, and Monsters

