How to Make Glitter Background Paper

How to Make Glitter Background Paper

Glitter Background Paper

Thispicture of the glitter background paper I made really does not do it justice. What appear to be shades of brown are actually reflections off the glitter and hole-less silver beads. I used snippets of metallic embroidery floss as well. The paper is really a deep glossy black with lots of silvery texture.


  • Gloss Gel Medium
  • Art Glittering System Ultra Fine Angel Dust glitter
  • tiny silver glass beads
  • metallic embroidery floss
  • black acrylic paint
  • sketch paper

Glitter Background ~ Karen's Whimsy


  1. Paint the sketch paper black (or any other color you want.) Let dry.
  2. Using a brush or your fingers, spread a thick layer of gloss gel medium over the paper.
  3. Sprinkle the glitter and beads into the wet gloss.
  4. Hold the embroidery floss over the sketch paper while the gel medium is still wet, and snip it with your scissors. The tiny fibers will float down and fall in pretty patterns all over the gloss.
  5. Let dry.

I’m not sure where I got the idea for this sparkly paper, but I found a lot of inspiration in Ruth Issett’s book A Passion for Colour: Exploring Colour Through Paper, Print, Fabric, Thread, and Stitch.