Clown Art Reliquary ~ Angel’s Bone

Clown Art Reliquary ~ Angel’s Bone
The images in this clown art reliquary were from a single sheet of paper that I found in a wonderful shop in Berkeley, California, called Castles in the Air. It was the last piece of this paper that they had, and nobody in the store even knew what the price was. There were lots of wonderful vintage clown pictures on it; it was difficult to decide which one to use. I’ll probably do one or two more reliquaries with the same theme just so I can use some more of the pictures.What are these two old-fashioned clowns looking at? Perhaps they’re waiting to see if the high-wire artist makes it across. On either side of the clown art is a column wrapped with gold paper and red and gold cord. A curtain held back by vintage and modern beads, buttons, and charms parts above them as blue crystals encircle their heads.
Across the way, a gold-colored clown guards the relic, a chicken bone that Angel buried and that eventually emerged in a flower bed as a drift of daffodils pushed their way through the soft spring soil. It’s stitched on a pillow of red brocade fabric.
The front is covered with red and dark gold paper and has another piece of cheery clown art in the center. She sits in a window of gold paper surrounded by a gold paper border.